Social Media Corrupts Human Interaction | WiseHarsh

3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Social media corrupts human interaction and will be the death of our society. It has changed the way people interact with each other online and in person.

Don’t get me wrong. Social media has created many opportunities for people, whether it be to keep in contact with friends and loved ones, meet new friends, or finally meet your significant other. Social media has changed many lives for the good.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Social media has allowed the bad to unfortunately outway the good, so much damage is being done to children and people on social media platforms.

Social media corrupts human interactions; cyberbullying has taken over social media; Panda Security claims that thirty-eight percent of social media users experience cyberbullying daily on social media platforms. Twenty-five percent of these victims will likely turn to self-harm as coping mechanisms, and these victims of cyberbullying are twice as likely to commit suicide.

Frequent social media users are 2.7 times more likely to become depressed than non-frequent social media users. Unfortunately, social media has created vain, self-serving users that will do anything to get likes, shares, comments, and tags. These users will do and say anything to get some attention; whether it be good or bad is beside the point. Social media has created grandiose narcissists, and it will only get worse over the coming years.

What you say and share over social media will always be saved somewhere over the internet; you might delete a tweet or post, but there is likely someone that took a screenshot of it, there will also be a chance that someone has “proof” of what you said or reposted.

Unfortunately, this is true for photos and videos as wel l, and once you have put it out there, you always run the risk of it resurfacing in places you don’t want. If you share intimate videos and pictures of yourself, you can not stop the intended party from sharing and distributing these pictures and videos.

These tweets, snaps, posts, and all other personal media you put out there will forever be linked to you. It will affect your life in so many different ways; universities and colleges look at prospective students’ social media presence. The same happens when you apply for a job; HR will look for all social media accounts belonging to you.

Future employers and businesses will judge you for the rest of your life for what you have said and done online, regardless of how “young or naïve” you were. Even if it is fake accounts, there is always the risk that it will come back to bite you in the ass.

Social media corrupts human interactions and will be the death of our society.

Originally published at on February 11, 2021.




Written by WiseHarsh

I am slightly off center and opinionated; I enjoy writing about my interests and experiences.

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