Revenge porn is the distribution of explicit images or videos of an individual without their knowledge or consent.
Often a couple will take risqué images or videos of their time together. When the relationship ends, a partner feeling revengeful; they will share these images or videos online without the ex-partners’ consent. A partner may take pictures or videos of you that you aren’t aware of and haven’t consented to and try to use the content to blackmail you by threatening to upload the content online if you don’t give them what they want.
Unfortunately, this is also a real problem with online dating and online dynamics. Many people start looking for dynamics or relationships online, and it seems to be the new norm of the world. People chat to multiple people online, trying to create a bond or establish a connection. Often sharing explicit images and videos of themselves in compromising sexual positions without actually knowing who they are communicating online with.
Unfortunately, with online dynamics or relationships, you can’t trust anyone, to be honest. Trust takes time, and you will need to meet in person to make sure they are who they claim to be.
Often a catfish will pretend to be someone else, creating a bond and convincing you that you can trust them. You will believe that you are in a relationship. You will exchange explicit images and videos with each other. Your pictures and videos will be genuine, and theirs will usually be fake. Revenge porn can happen anywhere, but typically online. They will use your photos to try and blackmail you, either for financial gain. Often they will threaten you by being vengeful to share everything with your family, friends, and co-workers.
Most of the time, they will still upload the explicit content along with your details. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people think this kind of behavior is typical and that they will get away with it. revenge porn and online dating are becoming synonymous with each other
Revenge porn is illegal in many countries, and it is worth making sure your home country has laws in place against these kinds of acts. Blackmail is unlawful and typically comes with a hefty fine or jail time.
If you are looking for an online relationship, make sure the dating service you are using verifies its users. Do not move over to other communication channels until you know for sure they are who they claim to be. Do not share too much personal information about yourself initially, i.e., where you live and work.
If you share images and videos of a sexual nature, you must ensure you can not be recognized in the content, so don’t show your face or any tattoos or markings.
If you think you are being blackmailed, keep as much information as possible about the person. Their online details like their screen name and on what service you met. All communication proving the blackmail attempt, along with screenshots of as much information as you can gather.
Go to your local police department and open a case; if the police can track down the person, you can either lay criminal charges or even pursue a civil lawsuit.
I know it is not easy to meet people during these times, but always put yourself first and make sure you don’t do or share anything you will regret later.
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